Services we provide

DH Studios specializes in providing content creation services to enhance your brand, promote your products, and create an immersive experience via motion graphics and 3D animation.

Concept Design


Our team of designers can help you develop your ideas and concepts into polished designs. From character sketches to environments, we can help you visualize your project before it even hits production.

3D Modeling


Our team of skilled artists creates photorealistic 3D models that can be used for anything from product visualization to architectural walkthroughs.

Texturing and Lighting


We use state-of-the-art techniques to create realistic textures and lighting that add depth and detail to your project.

Animation Creation


We bring characters and objects to life with fluid and dynamic animations. Whether it’s for a commercial or a feature film, our team has the expertise to create stunning visuals that are sure to captivate your audience.



Our team of riggers can create custom rigs for your characters and objects, giving them the ability to move and perform complex actions.



Our powerful render farm can quickly produce high-quality final images and animations, bringing your project to life in stunning detail and clarity.

Bring your vision to life with DH Studios talented
team of artists and animators.

Cincinnati, OH
